My (current) TOP 10 books by women

My (current) top ten books by women. Get to know me.

To kick things off and tell you a bit more about me, I put together a list of my top 10 books written by women… at least for now. I’m usually a one-read gal. When I was younger, I used to re-read books a lot because they were all I had available at the time. But things have changed since then and not just on a personal level: there’s more of everything, and it’s become increasingly available. What hasn’t changed is the number of hours in the day! Also, I admit I have a hard time focusing if I’m re-reading or re-watching something…

All this to say, there are books that I read and absolutely adore… but then I hop on to the next one. As time goes by, I look at my Goodreads 5-star shelves and I think “but would I still like this today??” That makes it hard to have a permanent list of favourites!

Without further ado, here’s my list (that I put into fun categories because, why not?)

1. A classic: Wuthering Heights – Emily Brönte

2. A drama: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo – Taylor Jenkins Reid

3. A horror story: Into the drowning deep – Mira Grant

4. A Star Wars book: Leia: Princess of Alderaan – Claudia Gray

5. A non-fiction book: Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle – Emily and Amelia Nagoski

6. A retelling: Circe – Madeline Miller

7. A Latin American book: De amor y de sombra – Isabel Allende

8. A steamy romance: The care and feeding of waspish widows – Olivia Waite

9. A short story collection: Her body and other parties – Carmen María Machado

10. A thriller: Gone girl – Gillian Flynn

Have you read these? What are your top ten? Feel free to link me to your blog!

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